22 Weeks Pregnant

22 Weeks Pregnant

I got my new maternity pants in the mail today, so I did this little photoshoot for fun

Newborn Photography

Newborn Photography

Today I had the pleasure of doing newborn photography of my sister in-laws son, Xander ❤

I had never done this before, so I think it went very well and it was quite fun. If you wish to see the finished pictures then check out my photography portfolio.

Anatomy Scan

Anatomy Scan

Time for the anatomy scan – 20 weeks ultrasound.

The scan showed that everything was fine, no defects to be seen. Yay! So here’s some new ultrasound pictures. We also got some free baby stuff from different stores.

20 Weeks Pregnant

20 Weeks Pregnant

Yaas, halfway there! ❤

19 Weeks Pregnant

19 Weeks Pregnant

I’ve been dealing with terrible back pains and I’m so happy that my boyfriend doesn’t mind giving me a massage now and then. I’ve also enjoyed swimming in warm water as it helps with the muscle pain and I feel weightless. He’s kicking more and more.

17 Weeks Pregnant

17 Weeks Pregnant

I can feel him kicking ❤

It’s a Boy!

It’s a Boy!

We went to our gender scan today, really excited ❤

I have a feeling that maybe it was a girl, but the rest of my family thought it was a boy and they were correct! We are so happy ❤ For us, it doesn’t matter what the gender is as long as the baby is healthy. And we also want to have one of each anyway :p