Anatomy Scan

Anatomy Scan

Time for the anatomy scan – 20 weeks ultrasound.

The scan showed that everything was fine, no defects to be seen. Yay! So here’s some new ultrasound pictures. We also got some free baby stuff from different stores.

13 Week Ultrasound

13 Week Ultrasound

Today we went for the 12 week ultrasound, where we found out that everything with the baby is totally fine ❤

We can’t see the sex of the baby yet, but we are just happy that he/she is going good. My due date was recalculated because I seem to be longer in than first expected. Which means that I’m 13 weeks today – my new due date is the 14th of December. We look forward to greet or little son or girl. We were really anxious for this scan because it was around this time in the last pregnancy that the embryo died. But everything was fine and we are so happy. We bought a strawberry cake to celebrate, because I had been craving one of those ❤