I’ve been feeling down lately

I’ve been feeling down lately

It’s been quite some time since I last updated my blog. Sorry guys! 🙁 I’ve really been wanting to update and do new videos, but I’ve felt so down lately that I feel no joy in doing anything anymore. Maybe I’ve been feeling slightly lost and maybe I still am. I feel so stressed and so much pressure by society and what I feel like I’m supposed to do with my life.

It’s all a mess and if I were to do into detail this entry would be a book’s length. So I’m making it short. I’m currently working in a trainee program and it’s just fine I guess. I get work experience out of it, so that’s awesome. It’s a full time program and it’s really making me tried because I’ve been unemployed for like two months now and adjusting to my new schedule has been hard the last to weeks. But I’m already starting to feel more energized again – maybe that’s because I actually got a workout in yesterday? When I don’t work out for more than a few days I start to feel moody and tired.

My weight loss progress hasn’t been great either. I’ve actually gained about one kilo. I know that isn’t much. And I know why I gained it (been eating more because I’m frustrated and stressed). So starting this week I’m making a bigger effort in working out now that I’ve gotten used to my schedule and coming home late. I know that I can do it, I just have to do it.

I want to feel great and awesome and part of that feeling comes from doing videos and writing on my blog. I’ve actually had time to write scripts for some videos, so I only need to film them 🙂

Well, that will be all for now. I’m looking at better days ahead and hopefully I’ll get more workouts and videos in this week. Stay tuned guys!

I hope you guys are doing awesome, feel free to comment and discuss your progress 🙂