I’ve been dealing with terrible back pains and I’m so happy that my boyfriend doesn’t mind giving me a massage now and then. I’ve also enjoyed swimming in warm water as it helps with the muscle pain and I feel weightless. He’s kicking more and more.
We finally went on our first vacation ever together. It’s rather crazy, when we’ve been together for five years with a vacation as a couple! We stayed in London for five days – Monday to Friday. We stayed at the St Giles Hotel (I had stayed there before) which is right next to Oxford Street. […]
We went to our gender scan today, really excited ❤ I have a feeling that maybe it was a girl, but the rest of my family thought it was a boy and they were correct! We are so happy ❤ For us, it doesn’t matter what the gender is as long as the baby is healthy. And we […]
The bump is much more noticeable now ❤ But it’s still hard for people to tell if I’m really pregnant or just bloated, lol. Looking forward to the bump to grow more. In about a week or two we have an ultrasound for checking the gender ❤
Today we went for the 12 week ultrasound, where we found out that everything with the baby is totally fine ❤ We can’t see the sex of the baby yet, but we are just happy that he/she is going good. My due date was recalculated because I seem to be longer in than first expected. Which […]